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Top-Notch ENGL 304 LGBTQ Lives & Literature Assistance

Introduction to ENGL 304 LGBTQ Lives & Literature

DEPARTMENT/SCHOOL: English Department/School of Business & Liberal Arts



CRN: 11643



ENGL 304 LGBTQ Lives & Literature help you understand the social, cultural, and political histories of groups and individuals whose lived experiences demonstrate that physical sex characteristics, gender identities, gender expressions, and/or sexual orientations exist on a spectrum. This is all done through the lens of literature. Literary texts from the genres of the short story, poetry, the novel, creative nonfiction, theatrical production, and film are supplemented by works of research nonfiction and contemporary, credible news sources to provide students with opportunities to build a well-rounded and up-to-date understanding of the diversity that characterizes human gender and sexuality. However, takemyonlineclassforme.com is always there to help you in any kind of complexity that comes your way during the course. 

PRE-REQUISITES: ENGL 101: Composition and the Spoken Word & 30 credits earned
REQUIRED TEXTS: Another Country, by James Baldwin (published in 1960)

Benefits of Studying ENGL304LGBTQ Lives & Literature

Once you have completed the course successfully, you can: 

  • Identify the factors responsible for the contribution to the social construction of sexual and gender identities. 
  • You will be able to describe the social, political, and social contexts from which queer writings both nonfiction and fiction, have emerged particularly throughout the late 19th -20th centuries in the U.S. and the United Kingdom.
  • Moreover, it will make you ready to analyze literary works of creative nonfiction and fiction for the ways different authors across a variety of genres have portrayed queer experiences.
  • It helps you in designing and completing a project which shows knowledge built throughout the course. 
  • It is beneficial for the evaluation of primary and secondary nonfiction sources of information about LGBTQ literature and lives. 

Moreover, if you find it tough for yourself to complete the course without any academic stress then you can ask professional experts for help. They are the best option when you want to pay someone to do my ENGL 304 LGBTQ Lives & Literature class online, or need any other academic assistance. You can come to our professional experts and get the work done in the best manner possible without any hassle. 

Assignments Delivery: ENGL 304 LGBTQ Lives & Literature

As a student of this course, you need to submit all the assignments within the course Blackboard shell of the State University of New York at Canton. There are some assignments inclusive of group-oriented tools such as wikis and forums. Assignments completed in these contexts will be considered “submitted” in whatever forms are requested in their instructions.  Each unit’s calendar of assignments indicates the submission deadlines and submission methods required for all of the unit’s assignments. Moreover, in case of any difficulty with assignments, you can ask professionals to take my online ENGL 304 LGBTQ Lives & Literature class. Hence, in this way, you would not make mistakes that can affect your grades further. 

Grading Scheme for ENGL 304 LGBTQ Lives & Literature

Letter Grade Equivalent Percentage Range Equivalent Engagement Score Description 
A 90% - 100% 4/4 Reserved for work that is original, insightful, and indicates a mastery of the material.  There are minimal technical errors in the writing/presentation.
B+ 85% - 89% 3.5/4 This signifies that the work is competent & demonstrates an adequate grasp of pertinent concepts.  There are a few technical errors in the writing/presentation.
B 80% - 84% 3/4 This signifies that the work is competent & demonstrates an adequate grasp of pertinent concepts.  There are a few technical errors in the writing/presentation.
C+ 75% - 79% 2.5/4 Signifies satisfactory work that is either lacking in presentation, understanding, or specificity.  The work has several technical errors in the writing/presentation.

70% - 74%

2/4 Signifies satisfactory work that is either lacking in presentation, understanding, or specificity.  The work has several technical errors in the writing/presentation.
D+ 65% - 69% 1.5/4 Indicates that all work has been submitted but the quality is not satisfactory. There are many technical errors in the writing/presentation.
D 60% - 64% 1/4 Indicates that all work has been submitted but the quality is not satisfactory. There are many technical errors in the writing/presentation.
F 0% - 59% 0.5 or 0/4 Work was submitted but fails to meet requirements. 

Components of Final Grade in ENGL 304 LGBTQ Lives & Literature

  • Engagement 35%
  • Quizzes 30%
  • Paper 20%
  • Final Exam 15%

In case of any difficulty, you can always ask our experts to take my online exam. We guarantee you world-class assistance that will help you get good grades. 

Attendance Policy, Unit Calendars and Deadlines 

There are not many class sessions that you need to attend. Hence, attendance is not a mandatory concept here. Moreover, it is also not a self-paced tutorial and you will find a calendar for assignments and deadlines in each unit. Each unit’s calendar of assignments is a PDF that will be posted at the very top of the group of items that are stored in that unit’s content area. Hence, it is the responsibility of students to keep a check on the lectures, quizzes, and deadlines. Moreover, in case you miss the deadline you’ll have to accept a grade of 0% for the missed work. Clearly, you can face issues with your academics but in that case, you can always come to us for help with ENGL 304 LGBTQ Lives & Literature online course. Our experts can help you with any kind of academic work such as quizzes, assignments, etc. In case you are looking for someone to take my online quiz, we are always here to help with happy faces. 

Academic Conduct: ENGL 304 LGBTQ Lives & Literature

Students are expected to comply with all academic and behavioural standards established in the SUNY Canton Code of Student Conduct, Rights, and Responsibilities (Code). The Code is published in the Student Handbook and is accessible from the SUNY Canton homepage.  It is your responsibility to be aware of and adhere to these policies. Please read SUNY Canton’s general guidelines of acceptable behaviour for electronic communication and consequences for threatening or harassing language: Computer Use & Network Policy.  It is your responsibility to be aware of and adhere to these policies. Any student with a documented disability who is eligible for, or has questions regarding accommodations, should contact SUNY Canton’s Office of Student Accessibility Services. Also, get to know Art History if you desire to know how people have seen themselves and their world in the past. Moreover, the subject would also help you to understand how these people wanted to show their lives to others. 

Need Assistance for ENGL 304 LGBTQ Lives and Literature, Contact Us 

ENGL 304 LGBTQ Lives and Literature can be a demanding subject. There are chances that you might feel stuck with some of the topics and assignments. But in that case, you can always use Take My Online Class for Me as your safest solution. We are here to help you with all kinds of complexity that comes your way once you start studying ENGL 304. We can help you with online exams, assignments, quizzes, etc. So, do not wait for any further and get the assistance of experts to score better in academics. 

Frequently Asked Questions