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Black Studies 100 - CRN 73276 Introduction To Black Studies Course Help Online

The Introduction to Black Studies course covers all aspects of the African-American experience, including history, politics, psychology, sociology, science and technology, the arts, and religion, over the course of 30 weeks. This is an entirely online course that provides students with a broad understanding of black studies. This is an interesting course to take, and students are becoming more interested in learning about the various aspects of black studies. If you are pursuing this course and need help with it then consider hiring an online class doer at our website.

Course Description

The origins, evolution, objectives, and significance of the Black Studies Discipline will be explored in this course. Students will be introduced to the seven core topic areas of the Black Studies discipline.

  • Black History
  • Black Religion
  • Black Sociology
  • Black Politics
  • Black Economics
  • Black Creative Productions (Literature, Music, Theater and Visual Arts)
  • Black Psychology

CRN 73276 Introduction To Black Studies Course Objectives

The course objective will be placed on enabling students to understand and appreciate the following:

  • The importance of Africa as the cradle of humanity.
  • The Importance of Africa in the Development of Human Civilization
  • Over five centuries of European enslavement and dominance of Africans in the Americas, with a special focus on the United States
  • Africans have played a crucial role in the economic growth of Europe and European colonies in the Americas for more than five centuries (North and South and the Caribbean Islands).
  • For more than 500 years, Black people (i.e., descendants of Africans) have played a central role in the history, economy, and cultural development of the Americas in general, and the United States in particular.
  • Black Studies is distinguished by its interdisciplinary approach to researching the African experience around the world, particularly the African American experience in the United States.
  • The major issues that African descendants are currently facing in their fight for freedom, justice, human dignity, and survival in the twenty-first century.

CRN 73276 Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)

After completion of this course the student should be able to:

  • Explain how Black Studies has changed over time and how it has aided in the advancement of human knowledge and understanding.
  • Determine the core subject areas of Black studies and critically assess the value of each core subject.
  • Identify and critically evaluate the major issues and schools of thought in the discipline.
  • Demonstrate data collection, organisation, and communication skills, both orally and in writing.
  • Investigate the link between Africans' historical enslavement and their current situation.
  • Analyze and explain why "European-centered" scholarship is challenged by Black Studies.
  • Through written assignments and student Discussion Forums, develop and demonstrate an understanding of the importance of the Black Studies
  • Discipline in higher education and in the service of the Black community.

Grade Requirements

Each student will be needed to complete the following tasks in order to receive a mark for the course:

11 Quizzes (10 points each)  110
Discussion Boards 100
Mid-term Exam 100
Final Exam 100
Total Points 410

Note: Multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blanks, and matching questions may appear on quizzes, midterms, and final exams.

The following grade scale will be used to determine your course grade:

Grade Scale

400 total possible points

A 90-100%
B 80-89% 
C 68-79%.
D 55- 67% 
F 0- 54%.

Course Modules 

Modules will be offered weekly or bi-weekly during the course. There will be graded assignments at the end of each Module (Quizzes and Discussion Boards). Module assignments will be posted at the beginning of each week. Students will also have two exams: a mid-term exam covering Chapters 1–5, and a final exam covering Chapters 6-11.

  • Module 1

Syllabus, important dates, and guides

  • The importance of the Syllabus
  • Requirements for the Course
  • Important Drop and Withdrawal Deadlines.
  • Helpful Guides for online courses and etiquette for participation in online discussions.

Module 1 Quiz (Graded) = 10 points

  • Module 2

Introduction to black studies discipline

Reading Assignment: Karenga, Ch. 1

Module 2 Quiz (Graded) = 10 points  

Modules 2 Discussion (Graded) = 10 points

  • Module 3

Developmental Initiatives

Reading Assignment: Karenga, Ch. 2

Module 3 Quiz (Graded) = 10 points

Module 3 Discussion (Graded) = 10 points

  • Module 4

Black History (Part 1): African back grounds

Reading Assignment: Karenga, Ch. 3

Module 4 Quiz (Graded) = 10 points 

Module 4 Discussion (Graded) = 10 points 

  • Module 5

Black History (Part 2): Africans in America

Reading Assignment: Karenga, Ch. 4

Module 5 Quiz (Graded) = 10 points 

Module 5 Discussion (Graded) = 10 points 

  • Module 6

Black religion

Reading Assignment: Karenga, Ch. 5.

Module 6 Quiz (Graded) = 10 points 

Module 6 Discussion (Graded) = 10 points 

Review of chapters 1-5

  • Module 7

Black sociology

Reading Assignment: Karenga, Ch. 6

Module 7 Quiz (Graded) = 10 points

Module 7 Discussion (Graded) = 10 points

  • Module 8

Black Politics

Reading Assignment: Karenga, Ch. 7

Module 8 Quiz (Graded) = 10 points 

Module 8 Discussion (Graded) = 10 points

  • Module 9

Black Economics

Reading Assignment: Karenga, Ch. 8

Module 9 Quiz (Graded) = 10 points 

Module 9 Discussion (Graded) = 10 points

  • Module 10

Black creative production

Reading Assignment: Karenga, Ch. 9

Module 10 Quiz (Graded) = 10 points 

Module 10 Discussion (Graded) = 10 points

  • Module 11

Black Psychology

Reading Assignment: Karenga, Ch. 10.

Module 11 Quiz (Graded) = 10 points 

Module 11 Discussion (Graded) = 10 points

  • Module 12

Critical issues of 21st century

Reading Assignment: Karenga, Ch. 11

Module 12 Discussion (Graded) = 10 points

Review of chapters 6-11


Extra Information on Introduction to African-American Studies Course

  • Attendance: The importance of active participation in an online course cannot be overstated. Students who do not actively participate in assignments such as discussion boards and other assignments will find it difficult to succeed.
  • Dropping classes: Any student who fails to show up for class is required to submit an official withdrawal petition. Students who stop attending classes after the withdrawal deadline but do not officially withdraw must receive a grade, which is usually a failing grade.


Frequently Asked Questions